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Big O Notation — JavaScript

Jamie Berrier
3 min readJan 22, 2021


In computer science, big O notation is used to classify algorithms according to how their run time or space requirements grow as the input size grows.

We use Big O Notation to analyze the performance of an algorithm.

Big O Notation:

  • gives us a high-level understanding of an algorithm’s complexity
  • gives us a generalized way to talk about how efficient an algorithm is
  • only cares about general trends (e.g. linear? quadratic? constant?)
  • gives us the worst-case scenario/upper bound
  • depends only on the algorithm, not the hardware used to run it

Time Complexity

How can we analyze the run time of an algorithm as the input size grows?

Big O allows us to talk formally about how the run time of an algorithm grows as the input grows. It shows us the relationship between the input size and the time relative to the input.

Constant Time Complexity

O(1) — always the same number of operations; completes in the same amount of CPU time regardless of the input size

  • Arithmetic operators
  • Variable assignment
  • Accessing elements in an array or an object

Linear Time Complexity

O(n) — as n grows the run time roughly grows proportionately

  • loops

Quadratic Time Complexity

O(n²) — as n increases, the run time increases roughly at the rate of n²

  • nested loops

In a loop, the complexity is the length of the loop times the complexity of whatever happens inside the loop

Space Complexity

How much additional memory do we need to allocate to run the code in our algorithm?

Big O allows us to talk formally about how the space required by an algorithm grows as the input grows. It shows us the relationship between the input size and the memory that’s taken up relative to the input.

Constant Space Complexity

O(1) — always the same amount of memory regardless of the input size

  • Most primitives (booleans, numbers, undefined, null)

Linear Space Complexity

O(n) — as n grows the space needed roughly grows proportionately

  • Strings, where n is the string length
  • Arrays, where n is the length
  • Objects, where n is the number of keys

Simplifying Big O Expressions

  1. Constants Don’t Matter
  • O(500) → O(1)
  • O(2n) → O(n)
  • O(13n²) → O(n²)

2. Smaller Terms Don’t Matter

  • O(n + 10) → O(n)
  • O(1000n + 50) → O(n)
  • O(n² + 5n + 8) → O(n²)
  • O(n + 6 + n³ + 4n²) → O(n³)


Complexity grows logarithmically in relation to n: the inverse of exponentiation.

The logarithm of a number measures the number of times you can divide that number by 2 before you get a value that’s less than or equal to 1.

1. 8 / 2 = 4

2. 4/2 = 2

3. 2/2 = 1

log(8) = 3 → 2³ = 8

log(value) = exponent → 2^exponent = value

Logarithmic Complexity

O(log n) — complexity grows logarithmically in relation to the input.

  • Searching algorithms (e.g. binary search)
  • Efficient sorting algorithms (e.g. heap sort, merge sort)
  • Recursion (sometimes involves logarithmic space complexity)

